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成都天府“智慧之環”屋頂步道設計 | Powerhouse Company

Powerhouse 2020-10-19
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    5000 m2
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An Informal Icon

如同其名稱暗示的那樣,“智慧之環”體現了永恒的建筑理念。Powerhouse Company設計的“智慧之環”坐落在在中國活力大都市成都的新區主干道上,它有科技展館和接待中心兩大功能分區,明顯的美學吸引力和文化功能讓它成為了一座標志性建筑。


Living up to the suggestiveness of its name, the Loop of Wisdom embodies a timeless architectural concept. Powerhouse Company’s designed technology museum and reception center for a new neighborhood in Chengdu, China, is much more than an exuberant landmark. 

In addition to its obvious aesthetic appeal and cultural program, the fluid structure incorporates a spectacular public space – an undulating rooftop trail. This addition makes the Loop of Wisdom an accessible icon, rather than a remote beacon. It invites people to explore it and make it part of their regular walking or jogging routine.

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Designed as a continuous ring, the loop’s form is archetypal and universal; organic and geometric; enigmatic yet instantly recognizable. While the client initially wanted a temporary building, they were so impressed by the quality of the design, its delicate relationship with the landscape and its elegant lines, that they decided it must become a permanent fixture. The Loop of Wisdom’s design transformed the idea for an ephemeral structure into a vision of a long-lived and inherently sustainable one.


 – Powerhouse Company 合伙人 Stijn Kemper

"While spectacular museums and reception centers are quite common in China, we wanted to create an icon that people can actually explore and use."

– Stijn Kemper - Partner at Powerhouse Company

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Powerhouse Company - Loop of Wisdom - photo by Jonathan Leijonhufvud 27.jpg


Put a ring on it

業主—智慧產城運營商紫光海闊集團要求Powerhouse Company設計一個科技展示博物館和一個接待中心作為其新開發項目紫光.天府芯城的一部分,該區域靠近繁華的大都市區。智慧之環未來還將作為學校的體育館和藝美綜合樓使用。

在實地考察期間,建筑師注意到周邊地形的自然起伏,且基地本身就是一個非常微妙而柔和的小山。通常在中國項目中,這些自然丘陵會被夷為平地,相反,Powerhouse Company決定以地形作為獨特的設計基礎,為城市環境帶來有機而柔軟的體驗。

The client, chip manufacturer and real estate specialist the Unis Group, asked Powerhouse Company to design the museum and reception center as part of its new development, Unis Chip City, close to the vibrant metropolis of Chengdu. The new buildings would also function as a technology education center as well as an information center for the new city development.

During the site visit, the architects noticed the natural undulation in the terrain, a very subtle and soft hill. Normally in Chinese development these natural hills are leveled. Powerhouse Company decided instead to use the topography as the basis for a unique design that would bring an organic softness to the urban environment. 

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Powerhouse Company - Loop of Wisdom - photo by Jonathan Leijonhufvud 23.jpg


By shaping a circular path that follows the topography, the two separate programmatic entities are combined in one single structure. As the path rises up to make space for the program, it becomes a roof offering stunning views over the new development. The new building becomes a path and architecture at the same time, while allowing nature to continue around, under and within the form of the structure.

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The Loop of Wisdom’s flowing, organic form echoes the mountain ring circling its location on the Chengdu Plain. Embedded into the landscape, the building is accessible and public, a place for people to walk, run or simply admire the views. The M?bius-like form alludes to human ingenuity and the high-tech credentials of the Unis Group, as does the high quality of the building and the cutting-edge technology used to design and build it.

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Powerhouse Company - Loop of Wisdom - photo by Jonathan Leijonhufvud 01.jpg


 – Powerhouse Company 創始人 Nanne de Ru

"We wanted to work with the landscape rather than ignore it, so we used it to create an elegant, soft form. The building is extremely contextual, even though it is the first building to emerge in this new neighborhood of Chengdu. Its design is complementary to the surrounding natural landscape and its gentle form invites people to come and explore the context and the surroundings."

– Nanne de Ru - Founder at Powerhouse Company


The red road


The rooftop walkway measures 698 meters around, rising 25 meters from its ground level access to offer spectacular views of the surrounding greenery and distant mountains. Its surface is rubber asphalt – the material used for athletics tracks – making the path suitable for runners as well as walkers. Red was chosen for the color for the roof because of the striking contrast it makes with the lush green of the landscape.

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Above the track, the rooftop surface is composed of custom aluminium tiles. Some 15,218 of these, each with its own unique profile and numeric code, form a seamless skin for the serpentine shape. The LED lights that illuminate the building at night and functional elements including gutters and handrails are all carefully concealed from sight, resulting in the streamlined profile that enhances the loop’s elegant simplicity and flowing lines.

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Powerhouse Company - Loop of Wisdom - photo by Jonathan Leijonhufvud 12.jpg


Beneath the red roof, the exhibition spaces have a warm, natural atmosphere, created by wooden ceilings and open views of the surrounding landscape. The facades are structurally glazed to a height of 13 meters with glass reinforcement fins. This transparency blurs the boundary between indoors and outdoors, again enhancing the connection with nature.

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 – Powerhouse Company 項目建筑師(以及荷蘭專業馬拉松運動員)Niels Baljet

"As a runner myself, I am particularly proud of the health and wellness aspect of the Loop of Wisdom. It currently provides a space for people to exercise outdoors and one day in the future it will house an athletics circuit for a future school, in addition to the uphill track."

– Niels Baljet - Project Architect at Powerhouse Company

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Powerhouse Company - Loop of Wisdom - photo by Jonathan Leijonhufvud 04.jpg


A bold new landmark


Located in the Tianfu New District of Chengdu in Szechuan, Unis Chip City is one of several developments springing up along the Tianfu Road. Situated next to this major artery, the Loop of Wisdom commands attention with its flowing form and vibrant red color. At night, LED lighting transforms it into a glowing sculpture. As the first completed building in the new development, it acts as a symbolic landmark for the future community and as a magnet for attracting future residents.

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Powerhouse Company - Loop of Wisdom - photo by Jonathan Leijonhufvud 29.jpg

除設計“智慧之環”外,Powerhouse Company還擔任該開發項目的顧問,該開發項目包括住宅樓、辦公室、購物中心和學校。建筑師還設計了該項目的其他建筑,包括目前正在建設中的混合功能產業辦公樓群。

In addition to designing the Loop of Wisdom, Powerhouse Company acted as a consultant for the development, which includes residential buildings, offices, shopping malls and schools. The architects also designed other elements of the plan, including mixed-use offices that are currently under construction.

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Powerhouse Company - Loop of Wisdom - photo by Jonathan Leijonhufvud 09.jpg


The fast track to the future

整個“智慧之環”項目建筑面積為5,000平方米,包括室內設計和景觀設計。由于使用了與建筑BIM模型關聯的高級參數化繪圖工具,設計本身在幾天之內便從草圖變成了藍圖。雖然 Powerhouse Company鹿特丹公司總部與中國之間的時差為6個小時,但技術的應用使雙方的溝通更加有效,為雙方各自工作的開始和結束都打好了基礎。

The entire 5,000-square-meter Loop of Wisdom building, including the interior design and landscape design, was built with true Chinese rapidity: It took under a year to complete from design to construction. The design itself went from sketch to blueprint in a matter of days, thanks to the use of advanced parametric drafting software that was linked to the architects’ BIM model. The six-hour time difference between Powerhouse Company’s head office in Rotterdam and the site in China allowed for efficient communication, with both parties touching base at the start and end of their respective days.

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Eventually, a new school will be built next to the site of the Loop of Wisdom, and the building will enter its second phase of a life as a library and sports center, complete with an Olympic-sized running track, maintaining its focal role in the community. This built-in longevity makes the building inherently sustainable.

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Powerhouse Company - Loop of Wisdom - photo by Jonathan Leijonhufvud 15.jpg

“ ‘智慧之環’展示了景觀如何影響建筑物,以及如何使用參數化設計在非常復雜的結構中實現簡約和優雅的建筑。更重要的是,我們的設計在塑造標志性建筑方面獨樹一幟,它將來可以輕松地進行重新定位并適應多樣化的功能需求。”

 – Powerhouse Company 合伙人 Stijn Kemper

"The Loop of Wisdom shows how landscape can influence a building, and how parametric design can be used to achieve simplicity and elegance within a very complex structure. What’s more, our design is unique in shaping an iconic building so that it can be easily repurposed in the future."

– Stijn Kemper - Partner at Powerhouse Company

項目信息 | Key info

狀態: 完工

時間: 2019 – 2020

客戶: 紫光海闊

建筑面積: 5000m2

城市: 成都

國家: 中國

建筑功能: 文化建筑、公共建筑

Status: Built

Timeline: 2019 – 2020

Client: Uni-Hiku

GFA: 5000m2

City: Chengdu

Country: China

Program: Cultural, Public Space

項目團隊 | Team

負責合伙人: Stijn Kemper, Nanne de Ru

項目負責人: Niels Baljet

項目成員: 王睿, Albert Takashi Richters, Maarten Diederix, Meagan Kerr, Daan Masmeijer, Michiel Bosch, Niek Koning, Stavros Voskaris, Filip Gali?, Severino Iritano, Penny Uni, Dries Br?ns, Caroline Desplan, Eli Keijser, Gert Ververs, Giovanni Andrea Coni, Rafael Zarza Garciá, Yanni Huang,  Kimi Fei

合作單位 | Collaborators

合作建筑設計單位: 成都基準方中建筑設計有限公司

景觀設計: AECOM+重慶緯圖景觀設計有限公司

室內設計: 香港鄭中設計事務所

展陳設計: 上海飛來飛去展覽設計工程有限公司

城市規劃: 伍茲貝格建筑設計咨詢(北京)有限公司

機電設計: 成都基準方中建筑設計有限公司

結構設計: 成都基準方中建筑設計有限公司

幕墻工程: 成都基準方中建筑設計有限公司

燈光設計: 深圳市名家匯科技股份有限公司

土建施工: 中國建筑第二工程局有限公司

幕墻施工: 蘇州柯利達裝飾股份有限公司

導標設計: 北京藝同博雅企業形象設計有限公司

建筑攝影: 雷壇壇

視頻制作: 二更

效果圖: Mir, 藝巢

Co-architect: Chengdu JZFZ Architectural Design Co.Ltd.

Landscape architect: AECOM+Wisto

Interior architect: CCD

Exhibition design: Xenario (Shanghai)

Urban planning: Woods Bagot (Beijing)

MEP consultant: Chengdu JZFZ Architectural Design Co.Ltd.

Structural engineer: Chengdu JZFZ Architectural Design Co.Ltd.

Facade engineer: Chengdu JZFZ Architectural Design Co.Ltd.

Lighting advisor: Shenzhen Minkave Technology Co.,Ltd

Structure Contractor: CSCEC

Facade Contractor: Suzhou Kelida Decoration Co., Ltd.

Branding & signage: Yitongboya Corporate Image Design Co.,Ltd

Photography: Jonathan Leijonhufvud

Videography: Ergeng

Visualizations: Mir, atchain






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  • www.powerhouse-company.com
  • office@powerhouse-company.com
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